Archaeology Glossary Terms
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Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.

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Asymmetrical   When used in reference to projectiles or tools, asymmetrical refers to opposing side of an object which have dissimilar contours, shape or form.
atlatl   a bone or wood shaft implement, held in one hand, and used to propel a spear. The tool functions as a lever, giving greater thrust and distance to the spear or dart being thrown The Aztec word for a spear throwing stick device. This projectile propulsion device preceded the bow and arrow. In general, a wooden or bone stick or board with a hand grip at one end and a spur or hook at the other end. The is used as an extension of the arm in throwing a spear or dart. The spear shaft is socketed and
atlatl-weight   usually a ground and polished stone object with grooves or perforations - for attachment to the shaft of an atlatl. Presumed to function in balancing the weapon prior to throwing. A drilled or grooved stone or shell that was used to weight the atlatl. See Atlatl.
atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)   a method of analyzing artifact composition similar to optical emission spectrometry (OES) in that it measures energy in the form of visible light waves. It is capable of measuring up to 40 different elements with an accuracy of c. 1 percent.
attribute   a minimal characteristic of an artifact such that it cannot be further subdivided; s commonly studied include aspects of form, style, decoration, color, and raw material. a characteristic or property of an object, such as weight, size, or color.
attritional age profile   a mortality pattern based on bone or tooth wear which is characterized by an overrepresentation of young and old animals in relation to their numbers in live populations. It suggests either scavenging of mortality victims (i.e. those dying from natural causes or from non-human predation) or the hunting by humans or other predators of the most vulnerable individuals.
augering   a subsurface detection method using either a hand or machine-powered drill to determine the depth and character of archaeological deposits.
Auricle   The corners of a stem of stemmed types or the corners of the base of triangular types which are ear-like.
Auriculate   A major projectile form which has rounded or pointed ears that project from the concave base or stem of points or blades.
Authentic   True or genuine. Artifacts made in prehistoric times.
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