Archaeology Glossary Terms
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Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.

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positive feedback   a term used in systems thinking to describe response which changing output conditions the system stimulate further growth input one of principal factors generating change or morphogenesis see also multiplier effect
positivism   theoretical position that explanations must be empirically verifiable there are universal laws in the structure and transformation of human institutions theories which incorporate individualistic elements such as minds not
post-mold   the impression stain or cavity left in ground by a rotted wooden post
postprocessual explanation   Explanation formulated in reaction to the perceived limitations of functional-processual archaeology. It eschews generalization in favor of an "individualizing" approach that is influenced by structuralism, Critical Theory, and neo-Marxist thought.
pot sherd   an individual piece of a broken pottery vessel
pot-hunter   an "amateur archaeologist" who vandalizes and destroys sites to add to his private collection, or for monetary gain.
pot-lid fracture   a circular flake removed from cryptocrystalline materials by sudden heating Leaves small saucer-shaped depression in the surface of stone
potassium argon dating   a chronometric technique based on the rate of decay to Used date rocks up thousands millions years old though it is restricted volcanic material no more recent than c One most widely used methods in early hominid sites Africa
pre-ceramic period   the prior to introduction of ceramic artifacts
pre-contact   refers to the period before first arrival of europeans in a given area
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