Archaeology Glossary Terms
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Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.

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Pre-Wisconsinan   prior to the Wisconsinan glacial period or older than about B P
preadaptation   the potential to adapt a new niche
Precambrian   All geologic time before the beginning of Paleozoic era This includes about all and spans from earth billion years ago to million Its name means "Cambrian
preform   An early stage in the manufacture of a flaked stone artifact usually with a roughly oval, elliptical or triangular outline. Preforms which are roughly shaped, were intended to be finished at a later date into a point or blade. In general, the preform was a finished "blank" that lacked only the knapping of the hafting area details for completion of the final implement.
prehistoric   the period prior to written records for any given area of time before absolute date varies from place
prehistoric hunter-gatherers   Humans who lived prior to written history and depended upon the hunting of wild animals gathering natural plant foods for their livelihood
prehistoric sites   Locations where people who were alive before modern written records existed once lived hunted camped or buried Painted carved rock outcrops are considered as well
prehistory   the period of human history before advent writing
preservation potential   the probability of a bone's being preserved after death
pressure flaking   the technique of shaping tools from cryptocrystalline or fine-grained rocks by pressing off small concoidal flakes antler bone
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