Archaeology Glossary Terms
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Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.

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map key   used to show features on a
map scale   used to show distance on a
map-measure   a small wheeled device for measuring map distances
mapping   drawing a map showing the physical features of community usually an early step in field project
market exchange   a mode of which implies both specific location for transactions and the sort social relations where bargaining can occur It usually involves system price-making through negotiation
Marxist anthropology   based principally on the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels this posits a materialist model societal change Change within society is seen as result contradictions arising between forces production technology relations social organization Such are to emerge struggle distinct classes Current focuses transformation orders relationships conflict cultural
mastaba   Ancient Egyptian tomb used before the construction of pyramids
material culture   the buildings tools and other artifacts that includes any item has had cultural meaning ascribed to it past present
Material remains   artifacts features and other items such as plant animal that indicate human activity
matrix   the material that archaeological artifacts are surrounded by before being excavated
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