Archaeology Glossary Terms
Archaeology »Glossary terms m - M

Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.

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midden   The band or layer of soil which contains the byproducts human activity as result accumulation these materials on their living surface For prehistoric sites a that was stained to dark color by decomposition organic refuse also contained food bones fragments stone tools charcoal pieces pottery other discarded historic similar but with appropriate material remains often in much thinner deposit These deposits can be seen strata and oftentimes when more than one is present site clearly define each ca
Middle Archaic   A cultural period of the North American Aborigine Indians dating from to B P
Middle Range Theory   a conceptual framework linking raw archaeological data with higher-level generalizations and conclusions about the past which can be derived from this evidence
Midline   An imaginary line extending along the center of a projectile from distal tip to midpoint basal edge
Midpoint   An imaginary point a the intersection of Midline and transverse line
Midwestern taxonomic system   a framework devised by McKern to systematize sequences in the Great Plains area of United States using general principle similarities between artifact assemblages
Miocene   A epoch of the upper Tertiary period spanning time between and million years ago It is named after Greek words quot meion less ceno new
Mississippian   A period of the Paleozoic era spanning time between and million years ago It is named after Mississippi River valley which contains good exposures rocks this age cultural southeastern North American Aborigine Indians dating from to B P This culture shows strong Mexican influences associated with many groups ancestral historic Muskhogean speaking tribes Southeast Note that does not relate Northeastern Central or Western
MNI (minimum number of individuals)   a method assessing species abundance in faunal assemblages based on calculation the smallest animals necessary to account for all identified bones Usually calculated from most abundant bone or tooth either left right side animal
mobiliary art   a term used for the portable of Ice Age comprising engravings and carvings on small objects stone antler bone ivory
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