Archaeology Glossary Terms
Archaeology »Glossary terms u - U
Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.
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uranium series dating
a method based on the radioactive decay of isotopes It has proved particularly useful for period before years ago which lies outside time range radiocarbon
an Eskimo word for a relatively large, semi-lunate, side-mounted "woman knife".
An edge which was not steeply flaked into a bevel
the surface of a stratum that represents break in stratigraphic sequence
underwater archaeology
Strictly this means under water which is the main discipline of maritime. However term underwater archaeology often used in a wider sense also covering and nautical not necessarily
underwater reconnaissance
geophysical methods of underwater survey include (1) a proton magnetometer towed behind a survey vessel, so as to detect iron and steel objects which distort the earth"s magnetic field; (2) sidescan sonar that transmits sound waves in a fan-shaped beam to produce a graphic image of surface features on the sea-bed; (3) a sub-bottom profiler that emits sound pulses which bounce back from features and objects buried beneath the sea floor.
A face which was unaltered by applying flaking
A term referring to projectile or tool which did not have a channel flake removed form flute
a stone artifact flaked only on one surface.
unifacial flaking
the removal of secondary flakes from only one surface a stone nucleus
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