Archaeology Glossary Terms
Archaeology »Glossary terms l - L
Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.
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a quot cuff-link or pulley-shaped object of stone bone wood inserted in perforation the lower lip as an ornament status symbol by some aboriginal peoples
lacustrine deposits
lake sediments usually fine laminated silts and clays
Shaped like the head of a lance or leaves narrow and tapered toward distal end sometimes towards both ends A term used to describe major projectile point form that has no notches shoulders definable stem Bases can be round straight concave convex sub-type could Lanceolate-Triangular
see remote sensing
landscape archaeology
the study of individual features including settlements
Late Archaic
A cultural period of the North American Aborigine Indians dating from to B P
Late Paleo
A cultural period of the North American Aborigine Indians dating from to B P
Late Woodland
A cultural period of the North American Aborigine Indians dating from to B P Also known as Mississippian
a natural process by which chemicals and minerals are transported downwards through soil-profile
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