Archaeology Glossary Terms
Archaeology »Glossary terms t - T
Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.
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Christian Jurgen Thomsen
A Nineteenth Century danish archaeological pioneer who developed an early version of seriation based on "closed finds" and applied it as an aid in developing an exhibit of Danish antiquities at the National Museum in Copenhagen. Thomson organized his exhibit on the basis of three ages: the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. His scheme is still used today.
Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
A branch of the University at Austin that has been appointed as official state registry for archaeological sites and repository collections
thermoluminescence dating (TL)
a chronometric method based on the fact that some materials when heated give off flash of light The intensity is proportional to amount radiation sample has been exposed and length time since was It much in common with electron spin resonance (ESR)
Three Age System
a classification system devised by C J Thomsen for the sequence of technological periods (stone, bronze and iron) in Old World prehistory It established principle that classifying artifacts one could produce chronological ordering
trace element analysis
the use of chemical techniques such as neutron activation or X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for determining incidence elements in rocks These methods are widely used identification raw material sources production stone tools
trend surface analysis
the aim of trend surface analysis is to highlight the main features of a geographic distribution by smoothing over some of the local irregularities. In this way, important trends can be isolated from the background "noise" more clearly.
A projection that extends from the base or stem of a point also known as ears
the study of processes which have affected organic materials such as bone after death it also involves microscopic analysis tooth-marks or cut marks to assess effects butchery scavenging activities
The science dealing with the identification naming and classification of plants animals
tectonic movements
displacements in the plates that make up earth's crust often responsible for occurrence of raised beaches
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