Archaeology Glossary Terms
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Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.
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red ocher (ochre)
powdered iron ore placed in a burial area
radioactive decay
the regular process by which isotopes break down into their products with a half-life is specific to isotope in question see also radiocarbon dating
radiocarbon dating
Using the known half-life of Carbon-14 and measuring the amount of undecayed carbon-14 in animal or plant remains, an age bracket of the remains and an associated artifact or feature can be determined.
a method of protein analysis whereby it is possible to identify molecules surviving in fossils which are thousands and even millions years old
radiometric dating
a type of chronometric that involves methods based upon the decay radioactive materials examples are radiocarbon and potassium-argon
raised beaches
these are remnants of former coastlines usually the result processes such as isostatic uplift or tectonic movements
random sample
a in which each individual population has the same chance of being selected as any other
Random Survey
Archaeologists employ several methods for locating sites within a region. Their choice of method frequently depends on the questions they are asking and how they think they should go about answering them, and on more practical issues such as the amount of funding, personnel, and field time available. Somewhat aypically a n archaeologist might survey the entire area, as has been done in the past in regions such as the Valley of Mexico, to catalog and sample every site. More commonly, an archaeolo
When used to refer to a radiocarbon "date", range refers to the span of years contained within the 1 or 2 sigma (standard deviation) error. Radiocarbon age ranges should never be thought as a single point in time, rather as a probability (never 100%, unless the error range grows to useless proportions) that the sample died within a span of some number of years.
ranked societies
in which there is unequal access to prestige and status e.g chiefdoms states
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