Famous Museums Worldwide


Museum is a place devoted to the acquisition and conservation of objects having historical or artistic significance Though we are not special organi. This page acts as a comprehensive resource guide that provides information about the world's renowned museums and their specialty. You can browse through the history and specialty of museums categorized alphabetically or based on the country located using the linkArchaeological Museums By Country.

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Imhotep Museum

The museum is housed in a building that was constructed in 2006, and was designed ...

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Indian Museum

The Indian Museum is the largest and oldest museum in India and has rare collections ...

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International Dolls Museum

The museum showcases dolls from various countries and cultures, including India, China, and Japan. Each ...

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Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum

The Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum is a museum in Long Island City, Queens, New York ...

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Islamic Museum Of Cairo

The Islamic Museum of Cairo is a museum located in Cairo, Egypt. It is dedicated ...

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Israel Museum

The Israel Museum is the largest cultural institution in the State of Israel and is ...

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Istanbul Modern Art Museum

Istanbul Modern Art Museum is one of the largest and most important modern art museums ...

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Isurumuni is a temple located near Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is dedicated to the God ...

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Iziko SA Museum

Iziko SA Museum is an institution in South Africa responsible for the collection, preservation, documentation ...

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