The Sanchi Museum is a museum located in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh, India. It was established in 1989 and is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Buddhist art and culture. The museum is situated just outside the Sanchi Stupa, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The museum contains a large collection of objects related to Buddhist art and culture. These include sculptures, paintings, coins, manuscripts and other artifacts. The museum displays objects from the time of Ashoka to the modern era. It also has a library of books, manuscripts and photographs related to Buddhism.
The museum also houses a number of ancient sculptures and inscriptions from the early Buddhist period. These include the iconic Ashokan pillars, which are inscribed with the edict of Ashoka. Other sculptures include the famous Buddha image, which was discovered at the site of Sanchi Stupa.
The museum also houses a number of rare paintings and manuscripts from the Buddhist period. These include the Mahabodhi temple paintings, which are believed to be the oldest known Buddhist paintings. Other paintings include the Ajanta and Ellora paintings.
The museum also houses a number of artifacts from the modern era. These include the work of modern artists, who practice Buddhist art. The museum also has a number of photographs and other documents related to Buddhism.
The museum also houses a number of interactive exhibits and audio-visual presentations. These help to educate visitors on the importance of Buddhist art and culture.
Overall, the Sanchi Museum is a great place to learn more about Buddhist art and culture. It is a must-visit for anyone interested in this area.