Abdera Archaeological Museum
Museum type :
Archaeological Museum

Established in :

Holidays :

Visiting Hours :
10:00, Closed, 10:00

Contact No :
2510 222335

Location :
Abdera , Greece

Display Objects :

The exhibition is displayed in three thematic entities.

The first is public life: which includes exhibits related to religion, state organization, coinage, weights and seals and weapons.

The second is Private life: which includes exhibits related to the occupations of the civilians, trade and workshops, building elements, pottery, weaving, beautification, dress-coiffure and jewellery.

The third is related to Burial customs: which includes grave markers, clay sarcophagi, ash-containers, burial offerings and reconstructions of burials.

Description :

The Abdera Archaeological Museum is located in the town of Abdera in Thracian Macedonia, Greece. It houses a collection of artifacts from the ancient Greek city of Abdera, which was founded in the 5th century BC. The museum displays a collection of sculptures, ceramics, and coins, as well as a variety of objects from everyday life in the ancient city. The museum also displays pottery from the Roman period and a few items from the Byzantine era.

The museum also houses a variety of artifacts from the city’s temples, including statues of gods and goddesses, votive offerings, and a variety of coins from the period. The museum also has a room dedicated to the history of Abdera and its citizens, with a selection of texts, photographs, and film clips from the city’s past. The museum also houses a library, which contains books and documents related to the history of the city. The museum also features a virtual tour of the city, allowing visitors to explore the city’s monuments, buildings, and archaeological sites.