Caleb Atwater
Date of Birth  :
1778-25 -12
Place of Birth  :
Country  :
United States
Field of Expertise  :
Educational background  :
B.A. and M.A from William’s College.
Acheivements / Contributions  :

  • Some of the books published by Caleb Atwater include:

    1829:Descriptions of the Antiquities Discovered in the State of Ohio and Other Western States

    1831:Remarks Made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien

    1838:History of the State of Ohio

  • He was one of the first to predict the success of the railway, the first historian of his state, and the founder of its school system (Scriber).

source:Caleb Atwater

Bibliography  :
Description of the Antiquities Discovered in the State of Ohio and Other Western States. (Antiquities of the New World),Remarks Made On a Tour to Prairie Du Chien: Thence to Washington City, in 1829, Mysteries of Washington City, During Several Months of the Session of the 28th Congress .