J Norman Emerson
Date of Birth :
March 13, 1917
Place of Birth :
Country :
Field of Expertise :
Educational background :
Sociology from Trinity College, University of Toronto, 1936- 1940
Anthropology from his M.A. year at Toronto, 1941
P.HD, University of Chicago in 1943
Acheivements / Contributions :
Supervised two mound excavations at the Kincaid site, Illinois, for Fay Cooper Cole
Lecturer in the Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto.
Arctic field expeditions to northwestern Hudson Bay
established archaeological field schools (Pic River 1960; Cahiagué 1961-1967)
Norman established the Ontario Archaeological Society in January, 1951
Vice-President of the Canadian Archaeological Association
President of the Canadian Archaeological Association 1975-1976.
Awarded the Smith-Wintemberg medal for outstanding contributions to Canadian archaeology by The C.A.A.
Source: J. Norman Emerson
Bibliography :
Preliminary report on the excavations of the Kant site: Renfrew county, Ontario, 1949<br />
The Cahiague excavations, 1966: an interim report submitted to the Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Canadian Historic Sites Division, 1966