Carolyn L. White
Date of Birth  :
Place of Birth  :
Country  :
United States
Field of Expertise  :
Anthropology and Historical Archaeology
Educational background  :
Ph.D from Boston University.
Acheivements / Contributions  :

  • Her research interests center on historical archaeology in the Americas and as a global endeavor, material culture, the construction of identity, gender, and archaeological method and theory.
  • She is interested in engaging new theoretical and methodological perspectives to understand material culture and to approach the past.
  • Her recent research explores personal adornment as a class of material culture and as a means for exploring the construction of identity along gender, class, age, and ethnicity.
  • She is the Director of the Anthropology Research Museum and work with ethnographic and archaeological collections
Bibliography  :
American Artifacts of Personal Adornment, 1680-1820: A Guide to Identification and Interpretation (American Association for State and Local History Books),The Materiality of Individuality: Archaeological Studies of Individual Lives,Trade and Exchange: Archaeological Studies from History and Prehistory.