Betty Jane Meggers
Date of Birth :
December 5, 1921
Place of Birth :
Washington D.C.
Country :
United States
Field of Expertise :
Educational background :
Bachelor's degree from University of Pennsylvania
Master's degree from the University of Michigan
Acheivements / Contributions :
Her controversial assertion of a pre-historic relationship between the peoples of North-Western South America and of Japan was her most important contribution
Meggers's study was entitled The Archaeological Sequence on Marajo Island, Brazil with Special Reference to the Marajoara Culture.
Meggers recommended that there was a trans-Pacific cultural connection between East Asia and South America long ago based on correspondence of pottery fragments found in Japan and Ecuador.
She challenged that Japanese Middle Jomon pottery was similar to ceramics from the Valdivia site in Ecuador—both dating between 2000 and 3000 B.C..
She was among the first to study the environmental effects on societies and in framing culture as a variation to the environment.
Betty Jane Meggers
Bibliography :
Enfoques teoricos para la investigacion arqueologica (Biblioteca Abya-Yala) (Spanish Edition) ,ECUADOR (ANCIENT PEOPLES AND PLACES SERIES - VOL.49),Ecuador (Ancient peoples and places),Collected publications: Betty Jane Meggers .