Alan Dundes
Date of Birth  :
Place of Birth  :
Country  :
United States
Field of Expertise  :
Educational background  :

Bachelor of Arts in English from Yale University.

M.A., in English from Yale University.

Ph.D. in Folklore from Indiana University.

Acheivements / Contributions  :


  • In 1994, he won the UC Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award, an award he richly deserved for the excellence of his teaching at all levels. He was also instrumental in bringing a large number of international folklorists to Berkeley to teach in the folklore program and in general contributed greatly to international cooperation in the field of folklore.

  • In 1993 he won the Pitrè Prize for lifetime achievement in folklore. His internationally known and acclaimed work, as well as his teaching and service to students, colleagues, and the profession, came to define folklore at Berkeley.

source:Alan Dundes

Bibliography  :
The Vampire: A Casebook,Interpreting Folklore, Cinderella: A Casebook (Garland Folklore Casebooks).