Sterling Dow
Date of Birth :
Place of Birth :
Country :
United States
Field of Expertise :
Athenian archaeology
Educational background :
Graduated at Phillips Exeter Academy with honors in philosophy.
Master's degree in 1928 at Harvard University.
Ph.D. in 1936.
Acheivements / Contributions :
Dow had a great range of study, writing five books and over 150 articles on Athenian political and social institutions, Homeric poems, religious calendars, and early writing and literacy.
During an archeological field trip to Greece from 1931 to 1936 he developed the art of making "squeezes," or paper impressions of inscriptions, discovered the kleroterion, a machine used to randomly select 201-man juries in ancient Greece.
He deducted that the famous Linear B tablets of the 2000 B.C. were inscribed with an early form of Greek, which was proven to be correct when they were later deciphered in 1953.
Sterling Dow
Bibliography :
Fifty Years of Sathers,Maine Postal History and Postmarks ,
Prytaneis: A Study of the Inscriptions Honoring the Athenian Councillors (Hesperia Supplement).