George Mercer Dawson
Date of Birth  :
Place of Birth  :
Nova Scotia
Country  :
Field of Expertise  :
Geology and Palentology
Educational background  :

Geology and paleontology at the Royal School of Mines.

LL.D. from Queen's University in 1890.

Acheivements / Contributions  :

  • George Mercer Dawson discovered Mount Assiniboine 3,618 metres (11,870 ft) and Mount Temple 3,543 metres (11,620 ft).

  • As a result of his field research, a map of his work was published in 1886 covering the Canadian Rockies from the US border to Red Deer Valley and Kicking Horse Pass.

  • In 1891, Dawson was named a fellow of the Royal Society of London.

source:George Mercer Dawson

Bibliography  :
Notes on the Indian tribes of the Yukon District and adjacent northern portion of British Columbia , Borrowing for Your Business Winning Th ,Notes On The Shuswap People Of British Columbia (1891).