Earl Wendel Count
Date of Birth :
Place of Birth :
Irvington,New York
Country :
United States
Field of Expertise :
Cultural Anthropology
Educational background :
Graduate in biology,Northwestern University.
Divinity degree from Garrett Theological Seminary in 1926.
Ph.D in anthropology at the University of California.
Acheivements / Contributions :
Earl Wendel Count's scholarly reach encompassed cultural anthropology, mythology, philosophy of science, comparative anatomy, brain physiology, animal behavior, human fossil history and zoography.
In books and scores of articles, he shed new light on various aspects of ethnology and evolutionary biology.
He edited "This Is Race: An Anthology of the International Literature on the Races of Man" (Schulman, 1960), which presented writings by 58 anthropologists, chosen and translated by him.
Bibliography :
4000 years of Christmas,Brain and body weight in man: Their antecedents in growth and evolution (Annals of the New York academy of sciences. Vol. XLVI, art. 10 ... January 15, 1947),A.L. Kroeber: A memorial address .