Flavia Walter Champe
Date of Birth :
Place of Birth :
Country :
United States
Field of Expertise :
Educational background :
Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Nebraska in 1940.
Acheivements / Contributions :
- Flavia Walter Champe was a dancer, conductor, choreographer, director, writer and anthropological researcher in New Mexico.
- She was recognized for her research of dance in Hispanic communities.
Flavia’s script career and her publication on the Matachines dance began on Christmas Day, 1947, after her and her husband saw a presentation of the dance in San Ildefonso Pueblo.
- After being a dancer for so many years, she was very intimidated with the quality of the choreography.
- In the next twenty years, Flavia and her husband made several trips to New Mexico to see variations of the dance in other pueblos and Hispanic communities.
- In 1967, she decided to write a book about the Matachines dance for the International Folk Art Museum of Santa Fe.
source:Flavia Waters Champe
Bibliography :
The Matachines Dance of the Upper Rio Grande: History, Music, and Choreography ,Innocents on Broadway.