Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire
Archaeology » Archaeological Organisations» Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire
Heritage Lincolnshire
Organisation Name: Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire
Established Year: 1934
Place of Location: Lincolnshire
Country: United Kingdom
Mail ID: info@lincsheritage.org
Contact Number: +01529 461499


Lincolnshire has an exceptional archaeological heritage as prime farming land; this county has attracted settlers throughout the ages, all of whom have left their mark on the landscape. Beneath the fields and towns of Lincolnshire lie clues to lost villages, farmsteads, cemeteries and industries, dating from prehistoric to modern times. These buried remains, often very fragile and vulnerable, contain irreplaceable information about Lincolnshire's past. The Trust provides a base for high quality archaeological research and fieldwork in Lincolnshire. We also operate a commercial archaeological section (Archaeological Project Services) capable of carrying out archaeological surveys, evaluations and excavations in advance of building, quarrying or civil engineering work. The results of research and excavation are published in a range of formats for academic or public consumption.