Betty Jane Meggers
Date of Birth  :
December 5, 1921
Place of Birth  :
Washington D.C.
Country  :
United States
Field of Expertise  :
Educational background  :
Bachelor's degree from University of Pennsylvania Master's degree from the University of Michigan
Acheivements / Contributions  :

  • Her controversial assertion of a pre-historic relationship between the peoples of North-Western South America and of Japan was her most important contribution

  • Meggers's study was entitled The Archaeological Sequence on Marajo Island, Brazil with Special Reference to the Marajoara Culture.

  • Meggers recommended that there was a trans-Pacific cultural connection between East Asia and South America long ago based on correspondence of pottery fragments found in Japan and Ecuador.

  • She challenged that Japanese Middle Jomon pottery was similar to ceramics from the Valdivia site in Ecuador—both dating between 2000 and 3000 B.C..

  • She was among the first to study the environmental effects on societies and in framing culture as a variation to the environment.

source:Betty Jane Meggers

Bibliography  :
Enfoques teoricos para la investigacion arqueologica (Biblioteca Abya-Yala) (Spanish Edition) ,ECUADOR (ANCIENT PEOPLES AND PLACES SERIES - VOL.49),Ecuador (Ancient peoples and places),Collected publications: Betty Jane Meggers .