William Churchill
Date of Birth  :
Place of Birth  :
Brooklyn,New York
Country  :
United States
Field of Expertise  :
Ethnology and Philology
Educational background  :
Ph.D from Yale University.
Acheivements / Contributions  :

  • When William returned home he became a librarian at the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.
  • He served at the Signal Service Bureau in Washington D.C., and in 1891 he became the Editor of the Brooklyn Daily Times.
  • Later he was allotted U.S.A. Counsel General to Samoa.
  • In 1886, William started studying Polynesian languages, related to what the natives spoke.
  • He went back to the United States and began an intensive study of the Samoan culture at his home in Brooklyn.
  • William spent several years studying Polynesian and Melanesian cultures.
  • By 1915, he became the Associate in Primitive Physiology of Carnegie Institution in Washington D.C. William died in 1920.
source:William Churchill

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