Pekshevo (Russia)
Archaeology » Heritage sites» Pekshevo (Russia)
modern town of Voronezh River


Year of Research
8th century BC

Pekshevo is one of great Scythian culture Middle Don period hill fort, located near the modern town of the same name on the Voronezh River in Russia. The site was occupied between the 8th century BC and the first century AD.Excavations recovered nearly 2,000 ceramic vessels, indicating a relationship to other similar sites along the Siem River such as Maritsa and Liubotin, which archaeologists have interpreted as a forest steppe Scythoid cultural group.They were built either on the surface or slightly semi-subterranean, as circular or rectangular structures made of poles and wattle and daub. Between one to three open hearths heated each structure.Other artifacts include bronze and iron pins, bone spoons, and effigy figurines of animals and humanoid shape.The hill fort includes at least 31 houses within an area delimited by ramparts and a moat, built of wood and earth; a few human remains were found in the channels of the moats.