Archaeology Glossary Terms
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Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.

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resistivity meter   see soil Natural accretions of manganese and iron oxides together with clay minerals organic matter which can provide valuable environmental evidence Their study when combined radiocarbon methods a minimum age for some landforms even types stone tool also accumulate varnish
respect   set of values which honor an individual culture or object
retouch   the removal of small secondary flakes along edge a lithic artifact to improve or alter cutting properties that Retouch flaking may be bifacial unifacial
retouched flake   a stone which has had one or more edges modified by the deliberate removal of secondary chips
Retouching   The fine flaking of an edge to improve and finalize the form by removal small flakes usually pressure produce sharpness
Reworking   Flaking applied to a broken or dulled tool so as reclaim it for additional use Sometimes called Lateral Rejuvenation reworking was the characteristic means by which an implement resharpened Alternate and bifacial beveling serration other diagnostic features of blade renewal are very important age determination well purpose assembling attribute clusters typological analysis Typically reworked blades points have different outline than their former pristine lithic objects employed early man due gen
rhizopod   A protozoan of the class Rhizopoda that has pseudopodia
rhyolite   a fine-grained light colored volcanic rock chemically identical to obsidian color may range from white through gray and yellow reddish-pink Sometimes used as raw material for lithic tools
Rim   The uppermost portion of a pottery vessel opening into the orifice Rims may be simple or elaborated in number ways -- out-turned thickened modeled etc
rimsherd   a fragment of the rim or top edge ceramic vessel important archaeologically since rims-herds frequently show greatest degree stylistic variability
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