Archaeology Glossary Terms
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Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.

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sampling unit   the sub-element of total population selected for
sampling universe   the largest entity to be described of which sample is a part
Santonian   European stage of the Upper Cretaceous spanning time between and million years ago
scarp   an escarpment cliff or other steep slope such as the between fluvial terraces
science   a method of reaming about the world by applying principles scientific which includes making empirical observations proposing hypotheses to explain those and testing in valid reliable ways also refers organized body knowledge that results from study
scientific theory   a statement that postulates ordered relationships among natural phenomena
scientism   the belief that there is one and only method of science it alone confers legitimacy upon conduct research
scraper   a tool presumably used in scraping, scouring, or planing functions. Most frequently refers to flaked stone artifacts with one or more steep unifacially retouched edge(s).
secondary burial   a human interment which was moved and re-buried aboriginally
secondary datum   a local base measuring point at known distance from the main horizontal or vertical points
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