Archaeology Glossary Terms
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Archaeology glossary is a comprehensive guide which provides meanings of popular terminology used in archaeology. It is particularly a valuable source for the people who term themselves as beginners in the field of archaeology.

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Crescent   A mysterious moon shaped artifact found in the Great Basin area of United States that may have been a blade form or scraper transverse hafted projectile point It is one three types crescent half butterfly shape
Cretaceous   The final period of the Mesozoic era spanning time between and million years ago name is derived from Latin word for chalk quot creta was first applied to extensive deposits this age that form white cliffs along English Channel Great Britain France
Critical Theory   a theoretical approach developed by the so-called quot Frankfurt School of German social thinkers which stresses that all knowledge is historical and in sense biased communication thus claims to objective are illusory
Cross Section   In reference to a blade the shape of form if were cut across and perpendicular length
cryptocrystalline   a term for glassy rocks which break with conchoidal fracture such as obsidian
cuestas   A long low ridge with a relatively steep face escarpment on one side and gentle slope the other
cultural anthropology   a subdiscipline of concerned with the non-biological behavioral aspects society i.e. social linguistic and technological components underlying human behavior Two important branches are ethnography study living cultures ethnology which attempts to compare using ethnographic
Cultural Complex   A group of traits whose associations in time and space indicate that they were the products activities a specific human
cultural deposit   sediments and materials laid down by or heavily modified human activity
cultural determinism   the idea that except for reflexes all behavior is result of learning
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