University of Chicago has excavated nearly 142 artifacts from various sites in ancient Mesopotamia

Ancient Sumerian city of Uruk


Cited by William Loftus in 1849

The royal library of Ashurbanipal

7th century BC

Excavated by Henry Layard in 1849 at the Royal Palace of king Sennacherib (705 – 681 BC). and by his assistant Hormuzd Razzam in 1852 at palace of King Ashurbanipal (668 - 627 BC)

site of the temple of the sun-god of Sippara


By hormuzd Razzam

Ancient civilization of Sumer, a collection of 30,000 tablets



burial customs of ancient Babylonia






Inscriptions and translations of the tablets ( the last chapter of the Epic of Gilgamesh)


Discovery of two inscriptions which had the date when Babylonia was invaded by the Elamites,.

Abu Hureyra, Syria

14,000 - 9,000 BC


Ahwaz, Iran

125 BC - 226 AD

charm / spell bowl

Babylon, Iraq

625 - 539 BC

artifacts from the time of King Nebuchadnezzar II

Banahilk, Iraq

6000 - 5500 BC

large storage vessel

Barda Balka, Iraq

250,000 - 100,000 BC

hand axe with traces of human blood a priceless genetic information

Bismaya (Adab), Iraq

2900 - 2000 BC

writing samples in Sumerian and Akkadin

Boghazköy, Turkey

1600 - 1150 BC

Cylinder seal with cuneiform from Anatolia

Chogha Mish, Iran

4000 - 3100 BC

potter’s wheel

Girsu, Iraq

2150 - 2100 BC

Inscribed cone - celebrates the restoration of the temple of the god, Ningirsu

Hamoukar, Syria


The ancient city of Hamoukar was cited in 1999

Jarmo, Iraq

9000 - 6000 BC

Bone needle, clay cup, Stone arm

Khafajah, Iraq

3100 - 2100 BC

oval-shaped temple, women worshipper statuette, Bird shaped libation vessel

Khorsabad, Iraq

4000 - 705 BC

Lamassu, Iron wheels, Bronze mirror, Stone from Nabu temple

Mattarah, Iraq

6000 - 4000 BC

Prehistoric clay husking tray

Mosul, Iraq


Artifacts are from the reigns of Kings Ashurnasirpal II and Shalmaneser III excavated in 1969.

Nimrud (Kalhu), Iraq

900 - 600 BC


Nippur, Iraq

4000 - 0 BC


Palegawra, Iraq

14,000 - 9000 BC

Limestone ring

Puzrish-Dagan, Iraq

2100 BC - 2000 BC

Clay Tablets

Sarab, Iran

7000 BC

Primitive sculptures

Tell Agrab, Iraq



Tell Asmar, Iraq

2900 - 1800 BC

clay tablet

Tell el-Amarna, Egypt

900 - 500 BC


Tell Fakhariyah, Syria

1400 BC - 1150 BC

faience rosette

Tell Tayinat, Turkey

738 - 650 BC

Relief showing devastation of Assyrian conquests

Uruk, Iraq

2100 - 539 BC

Clay tablets detailing administrative functions

Yorghan Tepe (Nuzi), Iraq

1600 - 1150 BC

Clay tablet narrating a story of a lawsuit between two men.