Herbert Baldus
Date of Birth  :
Place of Birth  :
Country  :
Field of Expertise  :
Educational background  :

Ethnology at Friedrich-Wilhelm University in Berlin

Ph.D of Americanism and philosophy in 1932.

Acheivements / Contributions  :

  • Herbert's list of honors is extensive. Two of the highest honors were the Goethe medal that was awarded to him for his unique scientific achievements and the other was a high Spanish order, "Encomienda de Isabel la Catolica".

  • His theoretical contributions ranged from initial investigations on material culture and non-material culture to functional and structural approaches, while he also established the foundations for the study of cultural change of Indian societies in contact situations.

source:Herbert Baldus

Bibliography  :
Bibliografia critica da etnologia brasiliera. Volume II., Ensaios de etnologia brasileira (Brasiliana), The effect of cathode sputtering under high vacuum on the rectification effect of germanium .