Diuktai Cave
Archaeology » Heritage sites» Diuktai Cave
Aldan River


Year of Research
33,000-10,000 BP.

    Diuktai Cave is an archaeological site of the Aldan River, a tributary of the Lena in an eastern Siberia,governed by the group that may have been ancestral to some of the Paleoarctic people of the North America.
    The people who lived in the Diuktai Cave were hunter-gatherers and fishers and used triangular points.
    Diuktai culture sites are part of the latter part of the Late or Terminal Siberian Upper Paleolithic , and they are indicated by the presence of microblades, bifacial knives, burins and triangular points.
    The researcher most associated with Diuktai cave is Russian archaeologist Yuri Mochanov.
    Occupation levels have been dated among 33,000-10,000 BP.Diuktai culture is the name given to the part of this site dated to between 14,000 and 13,000 BP.